Business disputes - REPRESENTATIVE CASES
- In a dispute among members of a substantial family business, a son and his parents were in litigation over control and distribution of capital assets. During negotiations, it became apparent that other non-party family members would have to agree to be bound by certain settlement terms in order to fully resolve the matter. They were persuaded to participate and after lengthy, emotional and direct negotiations with each of the family members, the case resolved.
- A property development company purchased a large plot of land that contained partially full oil storage tanks. It contracted with a steel salvage company to recycle the oil and salvage the steel containers. As the job began, the salvage company discovered that the oil could not be recycled because it was contaminated with sludge, so it refused to perform. The case was eventually resolved using a creative approach that involved cash payments and additional salvage services at no charge.
- A longtime business tenant that operated a neighborhood grocery store claimed that it had an option to purchase the building that was breached when the landlord sold to a third party. After difficult negotiations that included the third party purchaser, the matter was resolved with the tenant eventually purchasing the property.
- Partners in the ownership of a gas station ended up in litigation over numerous, longstanding disputes. Settlement negotiations were challenging due to the animosity between the parties. Through a great deal of direct discussions with the principals, the matter was resolved through a buy-out agreement.